We are hard at work on a monthly newsletter called Illuminate.

We chose this title as it is so closely tied to learning and knowledge. And we know the important role that knowledge has in creating the belief and expectation which fosters genuine hope. We are excited to tell you that our format will include monthly Guest Authors. These will be stories from people just like you on their own cancer journey, sharing another or caring for patients with cancer. We will begin with Liz Adamson from Ohio – a remarkable woman choosing the thrive, not just live, while dealing with her Stage IV cancer. In our following issue we will have an update on Jason LaGrange and his family. Everyone is so touched by their family’s story – seen on The Hope Tree Documentary – that we have many requests to hear how they are doing. We will revisit the lives of many others who were seen on the documentary: Emily Miner, Debbie Spooner, Katie Henderson, Gary Adamson and JoAline Olson – to name a few.

We will also include monthly book recommendations, inspiring quotes and poetry, and go into more detail about various areas from this site of which you may not be aware. Our What’s New in Hope Research area promises to be an ever-changing source of encouragement as we share articles and links to those leading the way in this field.

Illuminate is just now being born. We cannot wait to see how it will grow and change with your input.

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Food For Thought

Hope does not cast a veil over perception and thought. In this way, it is different from blind optimism. It brings reality into sharp focus.

- by Richard Davidson, PhD