Symbol Party

This symbol comes from the Aboriginal culture and symbolizes “path.” Different from a journey – we use pathway here to define the direction we choose for our lives. Paths are indicative of beginnings, endings, and the steps we take in-between that create the life we are living. We use “journey” elsewhere among our hope symbols to encompass the things we experience while traveling along this path.

And at the moment, we likely find ourselves on an unexpected journey along our chosen path. We have met cancer along the way and things are changed forever. We will meet many people along this path who can help us find our way: family, loved ones, friends, experts, care-givers, and countless kind strangers. Our new path veers in their direction as they stride beside us – pointing out valid reasons for hope at every turn.

Long after this cancer leaves, we will take the courage found and lessons learned with us as we continue on the path that is our lives.

about the author

This is a test.

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Food For Thought

Obstacles cannot crush me. Every obstacle yields to stern resolve. He who is fixed to a star does not change his mind.

- by Leonadro da Vinci