Symbol Party

This ancient Aboriginal symbol represents the timeless journey of a quest, pilgrimage or “walkabout.” When we are on our own in this way – without creature comforts and familiar crutches – we can learn the most about ourselves. Many cultures still have these traditions of sending young people off on their own to learn their strengths and weaknesses. Along the way they discover the Divine and return from their ordeal stronger and wiser – with new found confidence that they can handle anything.

Navigating this cancer terrain – undergoing testing, treatment, surgery, chemotherapy or radiation – is not unlike a “walkabout” into mysterious and unfamiliar territory. This journey – despite all the love and support around us – is just such a singular quest. We alone must endure. We will be tested in ways we could never have imagined – finding inner strengths and courage that we never knew existed. Like it or not, we are now on the journey of a lifetime. And just as Lao Tzu tells us in his historic Tao Te Ching, the journey of a lifetime begins with one small step.

As we put one foot in front of the other – tuning in to our natural bodies and spiritual intuition – may we find our to our authentic selves and true wellness.

about the author

This is a test.

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Food For Thought

Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal.

- by Henry Ford