Symbol Party

Without question, our modern world could not have developed without the horse and its place in human history as helpmate. How unlikely that these huge creatures – so free and wild – could be urged to our aid. For thousands of years they have offered us a kind of mobility that changed our world: helping us outrun our enemies, defend our homelands, run along bison and hunt, till our soils to produce life-giving crops and offer us companionship and comfort.

Another aspect of Native American symbol meanings of the horse comes with the understanding that a horse’s wild freedom can be harnessed and used to the benefit of man. This understanding comes from our mutual patience with one another – acknowledging mutual respect and awareness of each other. It is a profound partnership.

We acknowledge them here because they offer us hope that the free and wild things within our own bodies can also be brought to our aid. We strive to have their patience as we listen to what our bodies are telling us as we go about the business of healing.

about the author

This is a test.

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Food For Thought

You have to go to the edge to figure out what’s in me. What can I do. And then that’s what you do.

- by Emily Miner