Symbol Party

Manned boats have been rising and falling with the tides of the Earth’s oceans for 40,000 years. No wonder that in countless cultures they have become symbolic of dreams, bright prospects and moving forward in life – toward life – carrying us to places prior thought impossible to reach. Even before the invention actual boats man and animal alike would cling to and climb aboard a floating log or iceberg as a life raft – a respite from the struggle to stay a float.

We must find that tenacity now. We must stay afloat while our bodies go about the business of healing. The planking of our boats are made up of loved ones, family, friends, care givers, doctors, surgeons, neighbors, prayers, positive thoughts, smiles and hand holding strangers. We collect them all – all the good thoughts and wishes showering us like the surf that batters us on other fronts. We will ride out this storm – afloat on our ship of hope – into calmer waters.

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This is a test.

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Food For Thought

Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.

- by James Baldwin